


to bring down their barriers。

LAURA TYSON,美国国家经济理事会主席,1993…1995:道理就是这样的。如果我们回顾一下他的第一个任期,许多关于经济问题的政策都旨在打破美国公司的壁垒。我们将与我们的贸易伙伴接触,鼓励、推动或者说服他们取消这些壁垒。

NARRATOR: Many developing countries had been colonies of the West。 Although they now wanted long…term foreign investment; some saw fast…moving flows of money as a new threat to their independence。


MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD; Prime Minister of Malaysia: Once munism was defeated; then capitalism could expand and show its true self。 Its no longer constrained by the need to be nice; so that people will choose their so…called free…market system as opposed to the centrally planned system。 So because of that; nowadays there is nothing to restrain capital; and capital is demanding that it should be able to go anywhere and do whatever it likes。

马哈蒂尔,马来西亚首相:共产主义失败以后,资本主义就能够进行扩张并表现出本来面目。 它会因为需要总是表现出善良的一面而限制自己,所以人们将选择他们和集中计划式系统相反的所谓自由市场体系。由于这个原因,今天没有什么力量能对资金进行限制,资金的要求也非常苛刻,它应该能够流向它所喜欢的任何地方并做任何事情。

NARRATOR: Some called it ";the triumph of capitalism。"; During the 1990s; more countries than ever adopted market economics。


As an economics professor; Bill Crist had taught a course paring Marxist and capitalist theory。 As president of CalPERS; the California state pension fund; Crist came to believe that only open markets could ensure global stability。

作为一名经济学教授,Bill Crist曾教授过马克思主义和资本主义理论比较课程,作为CalPERS——加州养老基金的总裁,Bill Crist逐渐认识到:只有开放的市场才能确保全球稳定。

BILL CRIST: If we dont reach out to these emerging markets; if we dont be evangelists; if you will; and try to encourage them to reform and invest some of our capital funds into these markets; taking advantage of those opportunities; if we dont do that; Im afraid that some of the predictions that were made a long time ago by Karl Marx and Mr。 Engels and others 'will e true; and' that there will indeed be a confrontation between the haves and the have…nots that can bring the entire system down。

BILL CRIST:如果我们不涉足这些新兴市场,如果我们不去充当福音传道者,如果你愿意,应努力鼓励他们进行改革并将一些基金投资到这些市场里去,利用这些机遇。如果我们不这样做,恐怕马克思和恩格斯在很久以前所做的预言就要变成现实了——在穷人和富人之间将出现对峙,并将使整个体系土崩瓦解。

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Chapter 7: Averting a Meltdown: 1994 '4:56'

第七章: 避免垮台1994

Onscreen caption: Mexico; January 1994


NARRATOR: The very day NAFTA came into effect; Zapatista rebels launched an uprising in Southern Mexico。 Shortly afterward; the leading presidential candidate was assassinated。


Worried about stability; foreign investment began to flee。 The global economy was about to face a new kind of crisis。


Onscreen caption: Washington; December 1994


ROBERT RUBIN: Christmas vacation; I was fishing down in the British Virgin Islands; and Larry Summers '; 1999…2001' called me; and he said; ";Theres some problems in Mexico Id like you to know about。"; And I thought to myself that it was nice of Larry to call on the one hand; on the other hand Im on vacation; and; you know; Mexico today; itll be some other country tomorrow; and I dont know why this cant wait till I get back。 Well; it turned out that this was not just another country。 It was a very; very serious matter。

罗伯特鲁宾:在圣诞节期间,我正在英属维京群岛钓鱼,萨墨斯 '美国财长; 1999…2001'给我打来电话,他说:“我想让你知道一些墨西哥发生的问题”。一方面,我觉得他给我打电话是好事,而另一方面,我又在度假,你知道的,墨西哥的今天将是其它一些国家的明天,我不知道为什么不能等我回去以后在告诉我呢?结果这还不是其它国家,这是一个非常非常严重的事件。

NEWT GINGRICH: I was at a restaurant; and they came and said; ";The secretary of the Treasury is on the line;"; and I got on the line; and he said: ";Greenspan and I have a problem。 (laughs) And we believe if we dont move very decisively that the Mexican peso will implode。 If it implodes; the Mexican government will bee very unstable; and we believe you could have a wave of five to nine million people walking north to find jobs。";

NEWT GINGRICH:我当时正在饭店,他们来跟我说:“财长打来电话”,我去接了,他说:“格林斯潘和我有一个问题。(笑声)我们相信,如果我们不能果断做出决定,墨西哥比索将会崩溃,如果墨西哥比索崩溃的话,墨西哥政府将变的非常不稳定,我们相信,会有5-9百万人拥到美国来找工作”。

ROBERT RUBIN: He understood it very quickly; and I remember his saying; ";This is the first financial crisis of the 21st century。";


NEWT GINGRICH: I said to him; ";This is the first real…time; worldwide financial crisis of a kind that will bee very normal。"; And so I said; instinctively; ";Ill back you。";

NEWT GINGRICH:我告诉他说:“这是一场真实的、世界范围的、以后将变的非常普遍的金融危机”,而且我还本能地说:“我会支持你的。”

Onscreen caption: Robert Rubin called an urgent meeting at the Treasury。

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