




HERNANDO DE SOTO: Oliver Twist has e to town; and hes poor; and hes got a TV set; and hes able to see how you live as pared to how he lives; and hes going to get very angry。 So either you show him a capitalist route to do it and integrate him; or hes going to find another ideology。 And the fact that today there is no more Kremlin that is organizing a revolt doesnt mean that theyre not going to find another capital; because when these things happen; when people are unhappy and rebel against a system; theyll find another locus of power very; very quickly。

HERNANDO DE SOTO: Oliver Twist曾经来到城市里,他非常贫穷,但他通过电视能看到你的生活和他的生活有多大的区别,这样他就会非常愤怒。因此,你就要给他指出一条资本主义道路并同化他,否则,他就会选择另一种意识形态。今天的世界上没有组织暴动的所谓“克里姆林宫”并不意味着他们将不能找到另一种首都,因为,当这些情况发生的时候,当人们产生不满并开始反抗一种制度体系的时候,他们会迅速地找到另一个权利所在地。

BILL CLINTON: Im not one of these people that believes that economics solves all problems; but if people know theyre taking care of their children; and if they have a personal interest in maintaining the peace; its just easier for them to manage lifes difficulties。 You know; its no accident that the Nazi Party arose in Germany。 Everybody who was alive at the time remembers people in the Weimar Republic; after the harsh peace of Versailles after World War I; carrying wheelbarrows full of worthless Marks to the bakery to buy a loaf of bread。 So I dont want to oversell this: It is not sufficient to build a peaceful; free world; but it is absolutely necessary。 What is? Trade。

BILL CLINTON:我不不相信经济学能解决所有的问题,但是,如果人们意识到他们正在照顾他们的孩子,如果维护和平对他们个人也有好处,那么他们就更容易应付生活中的难题。你知道,纳粹党在德国崛起并非偶然。当时的每一个人都记得:在第一次世界大战后,在凡尔塞取得艰难的和平之后,魏玛共和国的人要带着整车的、毫无价值的马克到面包店买一块面包。所以,我不夸张的说:建立一个和平的世界是不够的,但是绝对必要。还要什么条件呢?那就是贸易。

Onscreen caption: Warwick; England; December 2000


NARRATOR: In his final foreign policy address before leaving office; Bill Clinton sought to define the challenges of globalization。 He had e to the presidency saying that free trade would benefit America。 He left arguing it was crucial to maintaining the peace in an interconnected world。


BILL CLINTON: First let me say I think its quite important that we unapologetically reaffirm a conviction that open markets and rule…based trade are necessary; proven engines of economic growth。 Now I know that many people dont believe that; and I know that inequality; as I said in the last few years; has increased in many nations; but the answer is not to abandon the path of expanded trade; but instead to do whatever is necessary to build a new consensus on trade。 And its easy for me to say …… you can see how successful I was in Seattle at doing that。 No generation has ever had the opportunity that all of us now have to build a global economy that leaves no one behind。 For eight years I have done what I could to lead my country down that path。 I think for the rest of our lives we had all better stay on it。 Thank you very much。


Chapter 21: Changing of the Guard '3:04'


NARRATOR: Washingtons free…trade agenda passed seamlessly from the Clinton to the Bush administration。


GEORGE W。 BUSH: Conquering poverty creates new customers。 What some call globalization is in fact the triumph of human liberty stretching across national borders; and it holds the promise of delivering billions of the worlds citizens from disease and hunger and want。


RICHARD CHENEY: At this stage I dont find in my travels around the country or even around the world that there is widespread opposition to the basic fundamental trends that have been there for the last 40 or 50 years。 Millions of people a day are better off than they would have been without those trends and development; without globalization; without the developments of the increased international merce; and thats all of the good。 And very few people have been harmed by it。

RICHARD CHENEY:今天,当我在全国甚至是全世界旅行时,我没有发现对存在了40或50年的基本趋势的广泛反对。没有这些趋势和发展、没有全球化、没有日益增加的国际贸易的发展以及没有这一切有益的事情,成百万的人们不能生活得象现在这样好。而且几乎没有人被这种趋势所伤害。

Onscreen caption: San Cristobal; Mexico; February 2001

银幕上得标题:San Cristobal,墨西哥,2001年2月

NARRATOR: On his first foreign trip; President Bush came to Mexico。 His friend Vicente Fox wanted to use the global market to relieve his nations endemic poverty。

旁白:就任后的第一次出访,布什总统访问了墨西哥。他的朋友Vicente Fox希望全球化能缓解墨西哥的贫穷。

VICENTE FOX: Mexico has been one of the losers of the 20th century。 We tried many different alternatives to development; and unfortunately we have 40 percent of the population poor; we have a per capita ine that is extremely low。 It is the same per capita ine we had 25 years ago; so we must change things。

VICENTE FOX:墨西哥是20世纪的失败者。我们虽然尝试了各种办法来发展经济,但不幸的是我们仍然有40%的贫困人口,以及极低的人均国民收入。

NARRATOR: Presidents Bush and Fox hoped to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement to the entire Western Hemisphere。


VICENTE FOX: Now we want to go further。 Im taking about a NAFTA…plus; a NAFTA that takes us to a further integration。 Ive been talking this with President Bush; and fortunately hes seeing it the same way。

VICENTE FOX:现在我们希望能走得更远。我在谈论一个扩张的NAFTA,一个能让我们联系的更紧密的NAFTA。我已经跟布什总统讨论过此事,幸运的是我们有共同的看法。

NARRATOR: But as his foreign minister; Fox chose a leading voice of the left: a onetime friend of Fidel Castro; and critic of global capitalism。

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