



MARGARET THATCHER: The political consequences of the failure of the strike were incalculable。


GORDON BROWN; Labor Finance Minister: The coal…mining strike of the early 1980s was a tragedy for so many of the mining families that were involved in it。

GORDON BROWN,工党财政大臣:八十年代初期的煤矿工人罢工队卷入到其中的无数矿工家庭来说是一场悲剧。

NARRATOR: Perhaps the greatest political impact was on the Labor Party that had all along opposed Thatchers free…market policies。


GORDON BROWN: I came into politics as someone who lived in an area which was an old mining munity。 The problem for the left in the past was that they equated the public interest with public ownership and public regulation; and therefore they assumed that markets were not therefore in the public interest。 What we have had to explain both to ourselves and to the country …… and now I believe its possible to explain this to the rest of the world as well …… is that markets are in the public interest。

GORDON BROWN:我和一位居住在老矿区的人一起步入政界,过去遗留的问题是他们把公众利益与公众所有权和公众规则进行换算。他们因此假设市场不符合公众利益。我们不得不对自己和国家解释的事情-现在我相信这也可以向世界其他地方的人解释-是市场符合公众利益

DANIEL YERGIN: One of the most important things that the government of Margaret Thatcher does is invent this thing called privatization; that is; taking these state…owned panies; these nationalized industries; and selling shares to the public。


NARRATOR: One by one the Thatcher government put the manding heights of the British economy up for sale: electricity; telephones; oil; gas; coal; steel; trains; and planes …… even water。 Before long; two…thirds of the state…owned industries were removed from government control and sold off into the private sector。 Who should control the manding heights …… governments or markets …… in Britain? That battle was over。


Chapter 19: The Battle Decided? '3:26'


JOSEPH STANISLAW: What Margaret Thatcher did in Britain and the principles that she introduced were imitated worldwide …… Asia; Latin America; even in Africa and to some degree in the Middle East。

JOSEPH STANISLAW:玛格丽特。撒切尔在英国的行动一起她引入的原理在全世界范围内被仿效-亚洲、拉丁美洲,甚至欧洲,某种程度上来说还有中东。

JEFFREY SACHS: The tide had surely swung。 The thinkers that had kept alive the ideas of markets did play their role at that moment。


NARRATOR: In his lifetime; Hayek saw fascism rise and fall; munism e and go; and the end of his years in the intellectual wilderness。


NEWT GINGRICH: Here was a man who had intellectually changed the world without really ever leaving the university。 It was the power of his books; the power of his ideas as then captured by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher that had changed things。

NEWT GINGRICH:他是一位从来没有真正离开过大学、用思想改变了世界的人。当罗纳德?里根和玛格丽特。撒切尔吸取了他著作的力量、思想的力量后,世界改变了。

GEORGE SHULTZ: You had in Reagan and Thatcher at the same time two; what I call; idea politicians。 They had ideas they were convinced were the right ideas; and they put them into effect。

GEORGE SHULTZ:我把同时代的里根和撒切尔两个人成为思想政治家。他们坚信自己的理论是正确的并把它付诸实施。

MILTON FRIEDMAN: The coincidence of Thatcher and Reagan having been in office at the same time was enormously important for the public acceptance worldwide of a different approach to economic and monetary policy。


LAWRENCE SUMMERS: The old debates were about what the role of the market was; what was the role of the state。 I think its now generally appreciated that its the market that harnesses peoples initiative best。 And the real focus of progressive thinking is not how to oppose and suppress market forces but how to use market forces to achieve progressive objectives。

LAWRENCE SUMMERS:关于市场角色、政府角色的辩论由来已久。我想现在一般都认为市场最好地利用了人的主动性。改革者思考的真正重点不应该是反对和压制市场力量,而应该是如何利用市场力量来达到进步的目标。

SAM PELTZMAN: If you look at the whole of the 20th century; theres been a huge cycle。 Less government was the orthodoxy at the beginning of the 20th century; more government clearly was the orthodoxy for the middle part of the 20th century; and now the later part; going into the new millennium; were back to where we were practically at the start of the century。 And you have to give folks like Hayek; Friedman; and then later Reagan and Thatcher their due for pushing all of this along。

SAM PELTZMAN:纵观二十世纪,那是一个巨大的循环。二十世纪初政府干预少一点是正统思想;二十世纪中期,更多的政府干预很明显是主流;到了后半期,在即将进入另一个千年的时候,我们实际上又回到了二十世纪初的起点。正是象哈耶克、弗里德曼以及后来的里根和撒切尔那样的人推动了这一切向前发展。

MARGARET THATCHER: I remember the foreign minister and finance minister from another country saying to me: ";Youre the first prime minister whos ever tried to roll back the frontiers of socialism。 We want to know whats going to happen; because if you succeed; others will follow。";


NARRATOR: Within 10 years; governments everywhere would retreat from the manding heights of their economies。 In the battle of ideas; the pendulum had swung from government to market; from Keynes to Hayek。 Only time would tell what people would ask of their governments in the event of a new recession; or a depression; or a war。

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