


LILIA SHEVTSOVA: In the beginning of 1996; Yeltsin enjoyed only 5 percent of popularity。 He definitely needed financial assistance; financial resources from the rich people; the oligarchs。

LILIA SHEVTSOVA:在1996年初,叶利钦只有5%的拥护率,毫无疑问,他需要富商—寡头们的财务援助和财务资源。

NARRATOR: The government and the oligarchs needed each other; and they needed to move fast。 The government feared a munist eback; the oligarchs feared the loss of their fortunes。 The oligarchs hammered out a secret deal that would enable them to acquire key industries at a knockdown price。


BORIS JORDAN: Potanin proposed a privatization program which today is still used。 Its exceptionally controversial; a loans…for…shares program; and that program entailed Russian business giving the government loans in return for taking the shares of strategic assets as collateral。 In fact; what ended up happening is most of these panies ended up getting sold back to the guy that actually provided the loan。

鲍里斯。乔丹(Boris Jordan):波大林(Potanin)提议了一个私有化的计划,这个计划今天仍然在使用。这个计划是极具争议的,称为贷款换股票计划。这个计划使得俄罗斯商人可以以向政府提供贷款作为抵押的形式而获取战略性资产的股权。实际上,最终的结果是许多这样的公司最终就卖给了那些实际提供贷款的人。

NARRATOR: The oligarchs money would help Yeltsin fight the presidential election。 In exchange; they wanted the manding heights。


Chapter 20: Closing the Deal '3:50'

第二十章: 交易的结束

ANATOLY CHUBAIS: The dilemma was not should we choose this way of privatization or another way which is more transparent; more open; more public。 The idea was; should we choose this way or nothing。

阿那特利。丘拜斯(Anatoly Chubais):困难不在于我们是应该选择这种私有化的方式呢,还是该选择另一种更加透明、更加公开的私有化方式,实际的想法是我们应该选择这种方式私有化呢,还是什么都不干。

YEGOR GAIDAR: The point of the loans…for…shares deal was aimed at creating a critical mass of powerful and influential businessmen whose primary interest would be to prevent the munists from ing back。

尤戈。盖达(Yegor Gaidar):贷款换股权交易的出发点旨在造就一大批强大和有影响力的商人,这些人的最初利益就是要阻止共产主义的复辟。

NARRATOR: With their media panies and wealth; the oligarchs backed Yeltsins reelection campaign。 Singing and dancing endlessly across Russia; Yeltsin surged ahead in the polls and to victory。


Potanin entered Yeltsins Cabinet; the oligarchs direct voice in the Kremlin。 Potanin had won Norilsk Nickel; and with it; a third of the worlds nickel。 For a pany with annual sales of ; Potanin paid 170 million。

波大林(Potanin)进入了叶利钦的内阁,成为寡头们在克里姆林宫的直接代言人,波大林(Potanin)拿下了诺里尔斯克镍厂(Norilsk Nickel),从而也拿下了这个厂的占全世界三分之一的镍产量。波大林(Potanin)只花了亿美元就买下了这个年销售额为25亿美元的公司。

VLADIMIR POTANIN: I felt a great feeling of victory。 Several years before; it was even difficult to think about struggling with Red Directors。 The struggle was won by us; by those who came who are younger; who are more active and more prepared for petition。 Many years later came feeling of a great responsibly for this; because when you win; you bee responsible for everything that is going on。 but it came a little bit later。

弗拉基米尔。波大林(Vladimir Potanin):我感到了巨大的成就感。几年前,与红色领导人(Red Directors)斗争,这想起来都是困难的,我们赢了,新一代的年轻人赢了,更有活力更渴望竞争的人们赢了。许多年后,我感到了一种巨大的使命感,因为当你成功了,你就要为发生的一切事情负责了,但是这种使命感来得迟了些。

NARRATOR: To many; the loans…for…shares deal was more than a scandal; it was the theft of the century。 But it was a price Yeltsin was willing to pay to keep the munists out。


GRIGORY YAVLINSKY: The task was not to distribute the property between 10 personal friends; there were no need for that。 The task was to give the property to millions of people。

格里格利。叶维林斯基(Grigory Yavlinsky):我们的任务不是在10个私人朋友之间瓜分财产,没有必要这么做,我们的任务是要让成百上千万的人民得到财产。

VLADIMIR POTANIN: We can say that it was artificially yes。 It was cheap; relatively cheap。 It was not transparent。 Yes。 But I think that it was difficult to avoid。 Maybe it was the only way。

弗拉基米尔。波大林(Vladimir Potanin):我们可以说,这是人为的,是的,是人为的。是便宜,相当便宜,也不透明,是的,这些都是事实。但我想这是很难避免的,也许这是唯一的出路。

GRIGORY YAVLINSKY: The goals are justifying the means。 Thats how the Bolsheviks made the revolution in Russia; and that is why its disaster。 Always when you are using the formula that the goals are justifying the means; you are destroying the goals。

格里格利。叶维林斯基(Grigory Yavlinsky):目标决定手段,这也是布尔什维克者进行革命的信条,也是导致灾难的原因。通常情况下,如果你用目标决定手段这一公式的话,你实际上是在毁掉目标。

NARRATOR: In Yeltsins Russia; crony capitalism thrived。 For many; reform came to mean corruption; inflation; and inequality。 Then in 1998; Russia defaulted on its debts; and the stock market crashed。 The Yeltsin era ended with his abrupt resignation on New Years Day 2000。


Chapter 21: A Decade of Radical Change '7:38'

第二十一章: 激进改革的十年

Onscreen title: The New Century

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