


BENJAMIN MKAPA; President of Tanzania: You see; we talk about a level playing field; but in fact it is very much tilted in their favor。 We would earn so much more than we are possibly getting by bilateral aid if those markets were just open to us; literally by billions。

BENJAMIN MKAPA,坦桑尼亚总统:你们知道,我们在讨论一个水平的竞赛场地,但是实际上场地大大向他们有利的方向倾斜。如果那些市场能向我们开放,那么我们所可能获得的利润要远远超过通过双边援助的数量,可能会超过数十亿。

NARRATOR: Global poverty soon became the galvanizing issue among globalizations opponents。 In the wake of Seattle; control of the protest movement began to shift from unions to a disparate network of grassroots activists。


JAGGI SINGH; Activist; Canada: Were trying to move from the politics of protest to the politics of liberation。 Its not simply trying to create a kinder; gentler capitalism。 Its not simply trying to negotiate the terms of our misery; to make our misery less miserable。 Its about changing the world; its about creating institutions; structures; and frameworks; munities and neighborhoods that are based on our values; which are values of social justice; of mutual aid; of solidarity; of direct democracy。 And were a long way from where we want to go; but we have to start now。

JAGGI SINGH; 激进分子,加拿大:我们正试图从抗议的政治行动转向解放的政治行动,并不仅仅是要创造一个更善良、更温和的资本主义制度,也并仅仅是要就我们的艰难处境进行谈判以减轻我们的苦难,而是要改变这个世界,要以我们的价值观(社会公正、互相帮助、团结、直接民主)为基础,创造新的制度、结构、框架、社团和社区。我们还有很长的路要走,但是我们必须现在就开始行动。

Onscreen caption: World BankIMF meeting

Washington; ; April 2000



NARRATOR: One of the protestors next targets was the World Bank; an institution whose sole purpose is to reduce poverty in developing countries。


JAMES WOLFENSOHN; President; The World Bank: When you see someone outside a barricade attacking you vehemently because of something called globalization; you have to wonder what it is theyre getting at。 It enrages me when you have people who assume they have the moral high ground against a team of people here who are devoting their lives to addressing the very questions that these people claim to be addressing。


NARRATOR: But the protests had bee impossible to ignore。 Inside the World Bank and other institutions; officials struggled to make sense of the growing debate。


NEMAT SHAFIK; Vice President; The World Bank: Well; the protest movement is multifaceted; and the anger is multifaceted; but there clearly is a sense of losing control and a sense of alienation。 The old structures and the old institutions and the old lines arent working anymore; and I think were at a stage where is this extraordinary chaos in international organizations; in international rules of the game; that were trying to define; and were not there yet。 And I think; like in any chaotic situation when youre in the middle of it; you dont see the way out; but I think what were observing …… the series of protests; the series of engagements …… is part of the process of ing towards some new structure for managing a global economy。

NEMAT SHAFIK; 副行长,世界银行:这场抗议运动是多反面的,愤怒也是多方面的,但是,很明显,这里有一种失控和疏远的感觉,旧的结构、体制和阵线已经不再起作用了,而且我认为我们正处在这样一个阶段:国际组织和国际游戏规则充满了混乱,而我们正试图重心对它们加以定义,但目前我们还没能做到这一点。我认为,象处在任何混乱局势之中的时候一样,你看不到出路,但是我想我们所看到的一切——一系列的抗议、一系列的接触——都是通向某种全球经济管理新结构的过程的一部分。

Chapter 18: The Global Divide '2:33'

第十八章: 全球分裂

NARRATOR: Globalization did not cause global poverty; but it did make us more aware of it。 And by creating a single global market; it raised the question of how that market benefits the worlds poorest nations。


DANIEL YERGIN: We are seeing around the world a movement towards greater reliance on markets; greater confidence in markets。 But for that confidence to last it has to be seen that these markets are fair; that they are delivering the benefits widely; that people are benefiting from them。 And if they dont have that kind of legitimacy; then the confidence is not going to remain; and the markets will be vulnerable to disruption and be replaced by other kinds of controls。 So every day the market has to earn and prove its legitimacy; and thats a big test; particularly in the developing world; where the number…one issue; the central preoccupational concern; is the issue of poverty; and delivering the goods means lifting people out of poverty。 And that more than anything else is what these markets would be judged by。

DANIEL YERGIN:我们正在目睹:这个世界越来越依赖与市场并越来越对市场充满信心。但是,为了让这种信心能持续下去,人们必须看到:这些市场非常公平,获益范围非常广泛,人们普遍都能从中得到好处。如果人们看不到这样的情况,那信心就不会持久,市场将会非常脆弱,容易发生混乱并被其它种类的控制方式所取代。因此,市场每天都必须证明它的合理性。这是一个巨大的考验,尤其实在发展中国家,发展中国家的首要问题、人们最为关切的问题就是贫困问题,输送货物意味着让那里的人们脱离贫困。那么,最重要的问题是:判断这些市场的标准是什么。

JEFFREY SACHS: Professor of Economics; Harvard University: The world is more unequal than at any time in world history。 Theres a basic reason for that; which is that 200 years ago everybody was poor。 A relatively small part of the world achieved what the economists call a modern economic growth。 Those countries represent only about one…sixth of humanity; and five…sixths of humanity is what we call the developing world。 Its the vast majority of the world。 The gap can be 100…1; maybe a gap of 30;000 per person and 300 per person。 And thats absolutel

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