


McDonalds today is the largest single owner of real estate in the world; owning even more than the Catholic Church。 Today; McDonalds owns some of the most valuable intersections and street corners in America; as well as in other parts of the world。

Keith said it was one of the most important lessons in his life。 Today; Keith owns car washes; but his business is the real estate under those car washes。

The previous chapter ended with the diagrams illustrating that most people work for everyone else but themselves。 They work first for the owners of the pany; then for the government through taxes; and finally for the bank that owns their mortgage。

As a young boy; we did not have a McDonalds nearby。 Yet; my rich dad was responsible for teaching Mike and me the same lesson that Ray Kroc talked about at the University of Texas。  It is secret No。 3 of the rich。

The secret is: 〃Mind your own business Financial struggle is often directly the result of people working all their life for someone else。 Many people will have nothing at the end of their working days。

Again; a picture is worth a thousand words。  Here is a diagram of the ine statement and balance sheet that best describes Ray Krocs advice:

Most people

Your Profession …》 Your Ine

The Rich

Your Assets …》 Your Ine

Our current educational system focuses on preparing todays youth to get good jobs by developing scholastic skills。 Their lives will revolve around their wages; or as described earlier; their ine column。 And after developing scholastic skills; they go on to higher levels of schooling to enhance their professional abilities。 They study to bee engineers; scientists; cooks; police officers; artists; writers and so on。 These professional skills allow them to enter the workforce and work for money。

There is a big difference between your profession and your business。 Often I ask people; 〃What is your business?〃 And they will say; 〃Oh Im a banker。〃 Then I ask them if they own the bank? And they usually respond。  〃No; I work there。〃

In that instance; they have confused their profession with their business。 Their profession may be a banker; but they still need their own business。  Ray Kroc was clear on the difference between his profession and his business。 His profession was always the same。  Me was a salesman。 At one time he sold mixers for milkshakes; and soon thereafter he was selling hamburger franchises… But while his profession was selling hamburger franchises; his business was the accumulation of ine…producing real estate。

A problem with school is that you often bee what you study。  So if you study; say; cooking; you bee a chef。  If you study the law; you bee an attorney; and a study of auto mechanics makes you a mechanic。 The mistake in being what you study is that too many people forget to mind their own business。 They spend their lives minding someone elses business and making that person rich。

To bee financially secure; a person needs to mind their own business。  Your business revolves around your asset column; as opposed to your ine column。 As stated earlier; the No。 1 rule is to know the difference between an asset and a liability; and to buy assets。 The rich focus on their asset columns while everyone else focuses on their ine statements。

That is why we hear so often: 〃I need a raise。〃  〃If only I had a promotion。〃  〃I am going to go back to school to get more training so I can get a better job。〃   〃I am going to work overtime。〃  〃Maybe I can get a second job。〃  〃Im quitting in two weeks。   I found a job that pays more。〃

In some circles; these are sensible ideas。  Yet; if you listen to Ray Kroc; you are still not minding your own business。  These ideas all still focus on the ine column and will only help a person bee more financially secure if the additional money is used to purchase ine…generating assets。

The primary reason the majority of the poor and middle class are fiscally conservative…which means。 〃I cant afford to take risks〃…is that they have no financial foundation。  They have to cling to their jobs。 They have to play it safe。

When downsizing became the 〃in〃 thing lo do; millions of workers    | found out their largest so…called asset; their home; was eating them alive; j Their asset; called a house; still cost them money every month。 Their car; another 〃asset;〃 was eating them alive。 The golf clubs in the garage that cost 1;000 were not worth 51;000 anymore。  Without job security; they had nothing to fall back on。  What they thought were assets could not help them survive in a time of financial crisis。

1 assume most of us have filled out a credit application for a banker to buy a house or to buy a car。  It is always interesting to look at the 〃net worth1 section。  It is interesting because of what accepted banking and accounting practices allow a person to count as assets。

One day; to get a loan; my financial position did not look too good。 So I added my new golf clubs; my art collection; books; stereo; television; Armani suits; wristwatches; shoes and other personal effects to boost the number in the asset column。

But I was turned down for the loan because I had too much investment real estate。 The loan mittee did not like that 1 made so much money off of apartment houses。 They wanted to know why I did not have a normal job; with a salary。 They did not question the Armani suits; golf clubs or art collection。  Life is sometimes tough when you do not fit the 〃standard〃 profile。

I cringe every time I hear someone say to me that their net worth is a million dollars or 100;000 dollars or whatever。  One of the main reasons net worth is not accurate is simply because the moment you begin selling your assets; you are taxed for any gains。

So many people have put themselves in deep financi

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