


〃Take it。 Take it。〃 I could not believe what I was hearing。 Still; I said nothing。

〃OK; 2 an hour。〃

My little 9…year…old brain and heart nearly exploded。 After all; it was 1956 and being paid 2 an hour would have made me the richest kid in the world。 I couldnt imagine earning that kind of money。 I wanted to say 〃yes。〃 I wanted the deal。 I could see a new bicycle; new baseball glove; and adoration of my friends when I flashed some cash。 On top of that; Jimmy and his rich friends could never call me poor again。 But somehow my mouth stayed silent。

Maybe my brain had overheated and blown a fuse。 But deep down; I badly wanted that 2 an hour。

The ice cream had melted and was running down my hand。 The ice…cream stick was empty; and under it was a sticky mess of vanilla and chocolate that ants were enjoying。 Rich dad was looking at two boys staring back at him; eyes wide open and brains empty。 He knew he was testing us; and he knew there was a part of our emotions that wanted to take the deal。 He knew that each human being has a weak and needy part of their soul that can be bought。 And he knew that each human being also had a part of their soul that was strong and filled with a resolve that could never be bought。 It was only a question of which one was stronger。 He had tested thousands of souls in his life。 He tested souls every time he interviewed someone for a job。

〃OK; 5 an hour。〃

Suddenly there was a silence from inside me。 Something had changed。 The offer was too big and had gotten ridiculous。 Not too many grownups in 1956 made more than 5 an hour。 The temptation disappeared; and a calm set in。 Slowly I turned to my left to look at Mike。 He looked back at me。 The part of my soul that was weak and needy was silenced。 The part of me that had no price took over。 There was a calm and a certainty about money that entered my brain and my soul。 I knew Mike had gotten to that point also。

〃Good;〃 rich dad said softly。 〃Most people have a price。 And they have a price because of human emotions named fear and greed。 First; the fear of being without money motivates us to work hard; and then once we get that paycheck; greed or desire starts us thinking about all the wonderful things money can buy。 The pattern is then set。〃

〃What pattern?〃 I asked。

〃The pattern of get up; go to work; pay bills; get up; go to work; pay bills。。。 Their lives are then run forever by two emotions; fear and greed。 Offer them more money; and they continue the cycle by also increasing their spending。 This is what I call the Rat Race。〃

〃There is another way?〃 Mike asked。

〃Yes;〃 said rich dad slowly。 〃But only a few people find it。〃

〃And what is that way?〃 Mike asked。

〃Thats what I hope you boys will find out as you work and study with me。 That is why I took away all forms of pay。〃

〃Any hints?〃 Mike asked。 〃Were kind of tired of working hard; especially for nothing。〃

〃Well; the first step is telling the truth;〃 said rich dad。

〃We havent been lying。〃 I said。

〃I did not say you were lying。 I said to tell the truth;〃 rich dad came


〃The truth about what?〃 I asked。

〃How youre feeling;〃 rich dad said。 〃You dont have to say it to anyone else。 Just yourself。〃

〃You mean the people in this park; the people who work for you; Mrs。 Martin; they dont do that?〃 I asked。

〃I doubt it;〃 said rich dad。 〃Instead; they feel the fear of not having money。 Instead of confronting the fear; they react instead of think。 They react emotionally instead of using their heads;〃 rich dad said; tapping us on our heads。 〃Then; they get a few bucks in their hands; and again the emotion of joy and desire and greed take over; and again they react; instead of think。〃

〃So their emotions do their thinking;〃 Mike said。

〃Thats correct;〃 said rich dad。 〃Instead of telling the truth about how they feel; they react to their feeling; fail to think。 They feel the fear; they go to work; hoping that money will soothe the fear; but it doesnt。 That old fear haunts them; and they go back to work; hoping again that money will calm their fears; and again it doesnt。 Fear has them in this trap of working; earning money; working; earning money; hoping the fear will go away。 But every day they get up; and that old fear wakes up with them。 For millions of people; that old fear keeps them awake all night; causing a night of turmoil and worry。 So they get up and go to work; hoping that a paycheck will kill that fear gnawing at their soul。 Money is running their lives; and they refuse to tell the truth about that。

Money is in control of their emotions and hence their souls。〃

Rich dad sat quietly; letting his words sink in。 Mike and I heard what he said; but really did not understand fully what he was talking about。 I just knew that I often wondered why grownups hurried off to work。 It did not seem like much fun; and they never looked that happy; but something kept them hurrying off to work。

Realizing we had absorbed as much as possible of what he was talking about; rich dad said; 〃I want you boys to avoid that trap。 That is really what I want to teach you。 Not just to be rich; because being rich does not solve the problem。〃

〃It doesnt?〃 I asked; surprised。

〃No; it doesnt。 Let me finish the other emotion; which is desire。 Some call it greed; but I prefer desire。 It is perfectly normal to desire something better; prettier; more fun or exciting。 So people also work for money because of desire。 They desire money for the joy they think it can buy。 But the joy that money brings is often short lived; and they soon need more money for more joy; more pleasure; more fort; more security。 So they keep working; thinking money will soothe their souls that is troubled by fear and desire。 But money cannot do that。〃

〃Even rich people?〃 Mike asked。

〃Rich people included;〃 said rich dad。 〃In fact; the reason many rich people are rich is not because of desire but because of fear。 They actually think that money can eliminate that fear of not having money; of being poor; so they amass tons of it only tofind out the fear gets worse。 They now fear losing it。 I have friends who keep working even though they have plenty。 I know people who have millions who are more afraid now than when they were poor。 Theyre terrified of losing all their money。 The fears that drove them to get rich got worse。 That weak and needy part of their soul is actually screaming louder。 They dont want to lose the big houses; the cars; the high life that money has bought them。 They worry about what their friends would say if they lost all their money。 Many are emotionally desperate and neurotic; although they look rich and have more money。〃

〃So is a poor man happier?〃 I asked。

〃No; I dont think so;〃 replied rich dad。 〃The avoidance of money is just as psychotic as being attached to money。〃

As if on cue; the town derelict went past our table; stopping by the large rubbish can and rummaging around in it。 The three of us watched him with great interest; when before we probably would ha

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