


I nodded my head。

〃Good;〃 said rich dad。 〃Now get back to work。 This time; I will pay you nothing。〃

〃What?〃 I asked in amazement。

〃You heard me。 Nothing。 You will work the same three hours every

Saturday; but this time you will not be paid 10 cents per hour。 You said you wanted to learn to not work for money; so Im not going to pay you anything。〃

I couldnt believe what I was hearing。

〃Ive already had this conversation with Mike。 Hes already working; dusting and stacking canned goods for free。 Youd better hurry and get back there。〃

〃Thats not fair;〃 I shouted。 〃Youve got to pay something。〃

〃You said you wanted to learn。 If you dont learn this now; youll grow up to be like the two women and the older man sitting in my living room; working for money and hoping I dont fire them。 Or like your dad; earning lots of money only to be in debt up to his eyeballs; hoping more money will solve the problem。 If thats what you want; Ill go back to our original deal of 10 cents an hour。 Or you can do what most people grow up to do。 plain that there is not enough pay; quit and go looking for another job。〃

〃But what do I do?〃 I asked。

Rich dad tapped me on the head。 〃Use this;〃 he said。 〃If you use it well; you will soon thank me for giving you an opportunity; and you will grow into a rich man。〃

I stood there still not believing what a raw deal I had been handed。 Here I came to ask for a raise; and now I was being told to keep working for nothing。

Rich dad tapped me on the head again and said; 〃Use this。 Now get out of here and get back to work。〃

LESSON #l: The Rich Dont Work For Money

I didnt tell my poor dad I wasnt being paid。 He would not have understood; and I did not want to try to explain something that I did not yet understand myself。

For three more weeks; Mike and I worked for three hours; every Saturday; for nothing。 The work didnt bother me; and the routine got easier。 It was the missed baseball games and not being able to afford to buy a few ic books that got to me。

Rich dad stopped by at noon on the third week。 We heard his truck pull up in the parking lot and sputter when the engine was turned off。 He entered the store and greeted Mrs。 Martin with a hug。 After finding out how things were going in the store; he reached into the ice…cream freezer; pulled out two bars; paid for them; and signalled to Mike and me。

〃Lets go for a walk boys。〃

We crossed the street; dodging a few cars; and walked across a large grassy field; where a few adults were playing softball。 Sitting down at a remote picnic table; he handed Mike and me the ice…cream bars。

〃Hows it going boys?〃

〃OK;〃 Mike said。

I nodded in agreement。

〃Learn anything yet?〃 rich dad asked。

Mike and I looked at each other; shrugged our shoulders and shook our heads in unison。

Avoiding One of Lifes Biggest Traps

〃Well; you boys had better start thinking。 Youre staring at one of lifes biggest lessons。 If you learn the lesson; youll enjoy a life of great freedom and security。 If you dont learn the lesson; youll wind up like Mrs。 Martin and most of the people playing softball in this park。 They work very hard; for little money; clinging to the illusion of job security; looking forward to a three…week vacation each year and a skimpy pension after forty…five years of work。 If that excites you; Ill give you a raise to 25 cents an hour。〃

〃But these are good hard…working people。 Are you making fun of them?〃 I demanded。

A smile came over rich dads face。

〃Mrs。 Martin is like a mother to me。 I would never be that cruel。 I may sound cruel because Im doing my best to point something out to the two of you。 I want to expand your point of view so you can see something。 Something most people never have the benefit of seeing because their vision is too narrow。 Most people never see the trap they are in。〃

Mike and I sat there uncertain of his message。 He sounded cruel; yet we could sense he was desperately wanting us to know something。

With a smile; rich dad said; 〃Doesnt that 25 cents an hour sound good? Doesnt it make your heart beat a little faster。〃

I shook my head 〃no;〃 but it really did。 Twenty five cents an hour would be big bucks to me。

〃OK; Ill pay you a dollar an hour;〃 rich dad said; with a sly grin。

Now my heart was beginning to race。 My brain was screaming;


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