his hands shaking crazily。 If only he could have pulled off some heist like sabotaging theThe New
Yorker ?s printing presses so they couldn?t print vowels anymore。 Then all the Valentine?s Day
issues would have been recalled from the newsstands late last night。
As if he could ever have pulledthat off。
?Yo; dude;? Dan heard the familiar; conceited voice of his least…favorite Riverside Prep classmate
behind him。 Dan stopped walking and turned around to see Chuck Bass flipping his signature navy
blue monogrammed cashmere scarf over one shoulder and running his manicured fingers through
his brown…and…blond highlighted hair。 ?Nice poem inThe New Yorker ; man。? He gave Dan a
congratulatory clap on the shoulder; his monogrammed pinky ring glittering in the winter
sunlight。 ?Who knew you were such a stud??
Was there something distinctlygay about Chuck Bass these days? Or perhaps not。 Just because
he?d gotten blond highlights and was wearing a slim; cream…colored wool coat by Ralph
Laurenand orange leather Prada sneakers didn?t mean he?d given up molesting defenseless;
drunken girls at parties。 Perhaps he was simply expressing himself。
There?s certainly nothing wrong with that。
?Thanks;? Dan mumbled as he fiddled with the plastic top on his coffee cup。 He wondered if
Chuck was planning on walking all the way to school with him so they could discuss his poem。
But then Dan?s cell phone rang; saving him from having to answer Chuck?s inane questions about
how many chicks he?d bagged before writing the poem; or whatever Chuck Bass liked to talk
about on his way to school in the mornings。
Dan put the phone to his ear and Chuck clapped him on the shoulder again and kept walking。
?Congratulations; Danielson!? Rufus shouted into the phone。 His father never got out of bed
before eight o?clock; so this was the first time Dan had spoken to him all morning。 ?You?re the
real banana; the genuine article!The New Yorker ; the goddamnedNew Yorker !?
Dan chuckled; feeling slightly ashamed。 Countless notebooks filled with his father?s odd;
disjointed poems were stashed in a dusty box in the broom closet。 Even though he was an editor of
lesser…known Beat poets; the truth was; Rufus had never actually been published。
?And you?ll never believe?;? Rufus continued; but then his voice broke off。 Dan heard the toilet
flush in the background。 Typical。 His dad had been talking to him while he was in the can。
Dan gulped his coffee and picked up his pace; crossing Broadway and heading down
Seventy…seventh Street。 He was going to be late for first…period chemistry if he didn?t hurry up。
Not that that would be such a bad thing。 ?Dad? You still there?? he asked。
?Hold on; kid;? Rufus replied distractedly。 ?I got my hands full here。?
Dan could picture his dad drying his hands on the frayed red towel hanging on the back of the
齐眉 蛇男 诡念 我的第三帝国 凋落的昙花 绑在床上的酷哥 十二女皇 和丧尸同行的日子 曾国藩(上卷) 小靓女 后来发生了战争 花婿鉴定期 暗黑破坏神之毁灭 我的模型系统 军妆 听话老公 我被冰冻了100年 异世灵武天下 酒儿娘子 战锤之米登兰的雄狮王