


So how does a parent teach their children; what the school does not? How do you teach accounting to a child? Wont they get bored? And how do you teach investing when as a parent you yourself are risk averse? Instead of teaching my children to simply play it safe; I decided it was best to teach them to play it smart。

〃So how would you teach a child about money and all the things weve talked about?〃 I asked Robert。 〃How can we make it easy for parents especially when they dont understand it themselves?〃

〃I wrote a book on the subject; 〃 he said。

〃Where is it?〃

〃In my puter。 Its been there for years in random pieces。 I add to it occasionally but Ive never gotten around to put it all together。 I began writing it after my other book became a best seller; but I never finished the new one。 Its in pieces。〃

And in pieces it was。 After reading the scattered sections; I decided the book had merit and needed to be shared; especially in these changing times。 We agreed to co…author Roberts book。

I asked him how much financial information he thought a child needed。 He said it would depend on the child。 He knew at a young age that he wanted to be rich and was fortunate enough to have a father figure who was rich and willing to guide him。 Education is the foundation of success; Robert said。 Just as scholastic skills are vitally important; so are financial skills and munication skills。

What follows is the story of Roberts two dads; a rich one and a poor

one; that expounds on the skills hes developed over a lifetime。 The contrast between two dads provides an important perspective。 The book is supported; edited and assembled by me。 For any accountants who read this book; suspend your academic book knowledge and open your mind to the theories Robert presents。 Although many of them challenge the very fundamentals of generally accepted accounting principles; they provide a valuable insight into the way true investors analyze their investment decisions。

When we as parents advise our children to 〃go to school; study hard and get a good job;〃 we often do that out of cultural habit。 It has always been the right thing to do。 When I met Robert; his ideas initially startled me。 Having been raised by two fathers; he had been taught to strive for two different goals。 His educated dad advised him to work for a corporation。 His rich dad advised him to own the corporation。 Both life paths required education; but the subjects of study were pletely different。 His educated dad encouraged Robert to be a smart person。 His rich dad encouraged Robert to know how to hire smart people。

Having two dads caused many problems。 Roberts real dad was the superintendent of education for the state of Hawaii。 By the time Robert was 16; the threat of 〃If you dont get good grades; you wont get a good job〃 had little effect。 He already knew his career path was to own corporations; not to work for them。 In fact; if it had not been for a wise and persistent high school guidance counselor; Robert might not have gone on to college。 He admits that。 He was eager to start building his assets; but finally agreed that the college education would also be a benefit to him。

Truthfully; the ideas in this book are probably too far fetched and radical for most parents today。 Some parents are having a hard enough time simply keeping their children in school。 But in light of our changing times; as parents we need to be open to new and bold ideas。 To encourage children to be employees is to advise your children to pay more than their fair share of taxes over a lifetime; with little or no promise of a pension。 And it is true that taxes are a persons greatest expense。 In fact; most families work from January to mid…May for the government just to cover their taxes。 New ideas are needed and this book provides them。

Robert claims that the rich teach their children differently。 They teach their children at home; around the dinner table。 These ideas may notbe the ideas you choose to discuss with your children; but thank you for looking at them。 And I advise you to keep searching。 In my opinion; as a mom and a CPA; the concept of simply getting good grades and finding a good job is an old idea。 We need to advise our children with a greater degree of sophistication。 We need new ideas and different education。 Maybe telling our children to strive to be good employees while also striving to own their own investment corporation is not such a bad idea。

It is my hope as a mother that this book helps other parents。 It is Roberts hope to inform people that anyone can achieve prosperity if they so choose。 If today you are a gardener or a janitor or even unemployed; you have the ability to educate yourself and teach those you love to take care of themselves financially。 Remember that financial intelligence is the mental process via which we solve our financial problems。

Today we are facing global and technological changes as great or even greater than those ever faced before。 No one has a crystal ball; but one thing is for certain: Changes lie ahead that are beyond our reality。 Who knows what the future brings? But whatever happens; we have two fundamental choices: play it safe or play it smart by preparing; getting educated and awakening your own and your childrens financial genius。 … Sbaron Lecbter

For a FREE AUDIO REPORT 〃What My Rich Dad Taught Me About Money〃 all you have to do is visit our special website at 。richdadbooki。 and the report is yours free。

Thank you

Rich Dad; Poor Dad


Rich Dad; Poor Dad

As narrated by Robert Kiyosaki

I had two fathers; a rich one and a poor one。 One was highly educated and intelligent; he had a Ph。D。 and pleted four years of undergraduate work in less than two years。 He then went on to Stanford University; the University of Chicago; and Northwestern University to do his advanced studies; all on full financial scholarships。 The other father never finished the eighth grade。

Both men were successful in their careers; working hard all their lives。 Both earned substantial ines。 Yet one struggled financially all his life。 The other would bee one of the richest men in Hawaii。 One died leaving tens of mil

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