


〃So youve been talking about the fear of not having money。 How does the desire of money affect our thinking?〃 Mike asked。

〃How did you feel when I tempted you with a pay raise? Did you notice your desires rising?〃

We nodded our heads。

〃By not giving in to your emotions; you were able to delay your reactions and think。 That is most important。 We will always have emotions of fear and greed。 From here on in; it is most important for you to use those emotions to your advantage and for the long term; and not simply let your emotions run you by controlling your thinking。 Most people use fear and greed against themselves。 Thats the start of ignorance。 Most people live their lives chasing paychecks; pay raises and job security because of the emotions of desire and fear; not really questioning where those emotion…driven thoughts are leading them。 Its just like the picture of a donkey; dragging a cart; with its owner dangling a carrot just in front of the donkeys nose。 The donkeys owner may be going where he wants to go; but the donkey is chasing an illusion。 Tomorrow there will only be another carrot for the donkey。〃

〃You mean the moment I began to picture a new baseball glove; candy and toys; thats like a carrot to a donkey?〃 Mike asked。

〃Yeah。 And as you get older; your toys get more expensive。 A new car; a boat and a big house to impress your friends;〃 said rich dad with a smile。 〃Fear pushes you out the door; and desire calls to you。 Enticing you toward the rocks。 Thats the trap。〃

〃So whats the answer;〃 Mike asked。

〃What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance。 That is why rich people with lots of money often have more fear the richer they get。 Money is the carrot; the illusion。 If the donkey could see the whole picture; it might rethink its choice to chase the carrot。〃

Rich dad went on to explain that a humans life is a struggle between ignorance and illumination。

He explained that once a person stops searching for information and knowledge of ones self; ignorance sets in。 That struggle is a moment…to…moment decision…to learn to open or close ones mind。

〃Look; school is very; very important。 You go to school to learn a skill or profession so as to be a contributing member of society。 Every culture needs teachers; doctors; mechanics; artists; cooks; business people; police officers; firefighters; soldiers。 Schools train them so our culture can thrive and flourish;〃 said rich dad。 〃Unfortunately; for many people; school is the end; not the beginning。〃

There was a long silence。 Rich dad was smiling。 I did not prehend everything he said that day。 But as with most great teachers; whose words continue to teach for years; often long after theyre gone; his words are still with me today。

〃Ive been a little cruel today;〃 said rich dad。 〃Cruel for a reason。 I want you to always remember this talk。 I want you to always think of Mrs。 Martin。 I want you always to think of the donkey。 Never forget; because your two emotions; fear and desire; can lead you into lifes biggest trap; if youre not aware of them controlling your thinking。 To spend your life living in fear; never exploring your dreams; is cruel。 To work hard for money; thinking that money will buy you things that will make you happy is also cruel。 To wake up in the middle of the night terrified about paying bills is a horrible way to live。 To live a life dictated by the size of a paycheck is not really a life。 Thinking that a job will make you feel secure is lying to yourself。 Thats cruel; and thats the trap I want you to avoid; if possible。 Ive seen how money runs peoples lives。 Dont let that happen to you。 Please dont let money run your life。〃

A softball rolled under our table。 Rich dad picked it up and threw it back。

〃So what does ignorance have to do with greed and fear?〃 I asked。

〃Because it is ignorance about money that causes so much greed and so much fear;〃 said rich dad。 〃Let me give you some examples。 A doctor; wanting more money to better provide for his family; raises his fees。 By raising his fees; it makes health care more expensive for everyone。 Now; it hurts the poor people the most; so poor people have worse health than those with money。

〃Because the doctors raise their rates; the attorneys raise their rates。 Because the attorneys rates have gone up; schoolteachers want a raise; which raises our taxes; and on and on and on。 Soon; there will be such a horrifying gap between the rich and the poor that chaos will break out and another great civilization will collapse。 Great civilizations collapsed when the gap between the haves and havenots was too great。 America is on the same course; proving once again that history repeats itself; because we do not learn from history。 We only memorize historical dates and names; not the lesson。

〃Arent prices supposed to go up?〃 I asked。

〃Not in an educated society with a well…run government。 Prices should actually e down。 Of course; that is often only true in theory。 Prices go up because of greed and fear caused by ignorance。 If schools taught people about money; there would be more money and lower prices; but schools focus only on teaching people to work for money; not how to harness moneys power。〃

〃But dont we have business schools?〃 Mike asked。 〃Arent you encouraging me to go to business school for my masters degree?〃

〃Yes;〃 said rich dad。 〃But all too often; business schools train employees who are sophisticated bean counters。 Heaven forbid a bean counter takes over a business。 All they do is look at the numbers; fire people and kill the business。 I know because I hire bean counters。 All they think about is cutting costs and raising prices; which cause more problems。 Bean counting is important。 I wish more people knew it; but it; too; is not the whole picture;〃 added rich dad angrily。

〃So is there an answer?〃 asked Mike。

〃Yes;〃 said rich dad。 〃Learn to use your emotions to think; not think with your emotions。 When you boys mastered your emotions; first by agreeing to work for free; I knew there was hope。 When you again resisted your emotions when I tempted you with more money; you were again learning to think in spite of being emotionally charged。 Thats the first step。〃

〃Why is that step so important〃 I asked。

〃Well; thats up to you to find out。 If you want to learn; Ill take you boys into the briar patch。 That place where almost everyone else avoids。 Ill take yo

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