


As their ines go up。。。their expenses go up as well。

The No。 1 expense for most people is taxes。 Many people think its ine tax; but for most Americans their highest tax is Social Security。 As an employee; it appears as if the Social Security tax bined with the Medicare tax rate is roughly 7。5 percent; but its really 15 percent since the employer must match the Social Security amount。 In essence; it is money the employer cannot pay you。  On top of that; you still have to pay ine tax on the amount deducted from your wages for Social Security tax; ine you never receive because it went directly to Social Security through withholding。  Then; their liabilities go up。

This is best demonstrated by going back to the young couple。 As a result of their ines going up; they decide to go out and buy the house of their dreams。  Once in their house; they have a new tax; called property tax。 Then; they buy a new car; new furniture and new appliances to match 'heir new house。 Ail of a sudden; they wake up and their liabilities column is full of mortgage debt and credit…card debt。

Theyre now trapped in the rat race。 A child es along。 They work harder。  The process repeats itself。  More money and higher taxes; also called bracket creep; A credit card es in the mail。 They use it。 It maxes out。  A loan pany calls and says their greatest 〃asset;〃 their home; has appreciated in value。 The pany offers a 〃bill consolidation〃 loan; because their credit is so good; and tells them the intelligent thing to do is clear off the high…interest consumer debt by paying off their credit card。 And besides; interest on their home is a tax deduction。 They go for it; and pay off those high…interest credit cards。 They breathe a sigh of relief。 Their credit cards are paid off。 Theyve now folded their consumer debt into their home mortgage。  Their payments go down because they extend their debt over 30 years。  It is the smart thing to do。

Their neighbor calls to invite them to go shopping…the Memorial Day sale is on。 A chance to save some money。 They say to themselves; 〃I wont buy anything。 Ill just go look。〃 But just in case they find something; they tuck that clean credit card inside their wallet。

I run into this young couple all the time。 Their names change; but their financial dilemma is the same。 They e to one of my talks to hear what I have to say。 They ask me; 〃Can you tell us how to make more money?〃 Their spending habits have caused them to seek more ine。

They dont even know that the trouble is really how they choose to spend the money they do have; and that is the real cause of their financial struggle。 It is caused by financial illiteracy and not understanding the difference between an asset and a liability。

More money seldom solves someones money problems。  Intelligence solves problems; There is a saying a friend of mine says over and over to people in debt。

〃If you find you have dug yourself into a hole。。。 stop digging。〃

As a child; my dad often told us that the Japanese were aware of three powers; 〃The power of the sword; the jewel and the mirror。〃

The sword symbolizes the power of weapons。 America has spent trillions of dollars on weapons and; because of this; is the supreme military presence in the world。

The jewel symbolizes the power of money。 There is some degree of truth to the saying; 〃Remember the golden rule。 He who has the gold makes the rules。〃

The mirror symbolizes the power of self…knowledge。 This self…knowledge; according to Japanese legend; was the most treasured of the three。

The poor and middle class all loo often allow the power of money to control them。 By simply getting up and working harder; failing to ask themselves if what they do makes sense; they shoot themselves in the foot as they leave for work every morning。 By not fully understanding nioney; the vast majority of people allow the awesome power of money to control them。 The power of money is used against them。

If they used the power of the mirror; they would have asked themselves;  〃Does this make sense?〃 All too often; instead of trusting their inner wisdom; that genius inside of them; most people go along with the crowd。 They do things because everybody else does it。 They  conform rather than question。  Often; they mindlessly repeat what they have been told。 Ideas such as 〃diversify〃 or 〃your home is an asset。〃 〃Your home is your biggest investment。〃  〃You get a tax break for going into greater debt。〃  〃Get a safe job。〃 〃Dont make mistakes。〃  〃Dont take risks。〃

It is said that the fear of public speaking is a fear greater than death for most people。 According to psychiatrists; the fear of public speaking is caused by the fear of ostracism; the fear of standing out; the fear of criticism; the fear of ridicule; the fear of being an outcast。 The fear of being different prevents most people from seeking new ways to solve their problems。

That is why my educated dad said the Japanese valued the power of the mirror the most; for it is only when we as humans look into the mirror do we find truth。 And the main reason that most people say 〃Play it safe1 is out of fear。 That goes for anything; be it sports; relationships; career; money。

It is that same fear; the fear of ostracism that causes people to conform and not question monly accepted opinions or popular trends。  〃Your home is an asset。〃 〃Get a bill consolidation loan and get out of debt。〃  〃Work harder。〃  〃Its a promotion。〃 〃Someday Ill be a vice president。〃 〃Save money。〃 〃When ! get a raise; Ill buy us a bigger house。〃  〃Mutual funds are safe。〃 〃Tickle Me Elmo dolls are out of stock; but I just happen to have one in back that another customer has not e by for yet。〃

Many great financial problems are caused by going along with the crowd and trying to keep up with the Joneses。  Occasionally; we all need to look in the mirror and be true to our inner wisdom rather than our fears。

By the time Mike and I were 16 years old; we began to have problems in school。 We were not bad kids。 We just began to separate from the crowd。 We worked for Mikes dad after school and on the weekends。  Mike and I often spent hours after work just sitting at a table with his dad while he held meetings with his bankers; attorneys; accountants; brokers; investors; managers and employees。 Here was a man who had left school at the age of 13; now directing; instructing; ordering and asking questions of educated people。 They came at his beck and call; and cringed when he did not approve of them。

Here was a man who had not gone along with the crowd。   He wa

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